
IT Developer Skills in Demand: iOS vs. Android

gaming-elementsSo which camp are you in? Team iOS or Team Android? (And if you say Team Jacob or Edward you’ll be repudiated forever in my book!) If you’re an IT Developer you may say whichever so long as you have the opportunity to work on multiple app projects versus supporting one or few applications with an enterprise business over a long period of time.

Regardless of your preferred team, IT professionals with development skills are a hot commodity, lucky for them their skill sets have great cross over between Apple’s propriety operating system and Google’s open source environment. This particular IT talent pool is small and mighty; therefore, anyone who isn’t a Luddite can easily imagine that the competition and compensation for iOS and Android Developers is increasing.

This trend isn’t about to change despite some growth in the associated talent pool. What are some of the trends fueling the need for development speed?

  1. Our Social Addiction: We love to share, be it commentary on our lives, business worthy news to our networks, or in some cases repeatedly posting pictures of ourselves (chronic selfie posters you know who you are); it’s all about the real time play by play. Newest social apps and tools to connect, yes please the masses scream!
  2. Gamification: You know it’s true, most of us have some modicum of competitiveness. So why not use friendly competition to promote business objective, have bragging rights over friends, or promote one’s brand? It’s all the rage, from candy crushing to striving for that next badge, gamification is driving both entertainment and business value.
  1. Big Data: And while we’re mindless whiling away our morning train commute harvesting crops to grow our virtual farm, companies are eagerly collecting as much data on us a possible. Sure there’s that creepy Big Brother factor, but really, would you rather minimize one more pop-up ad or be served relevant advertising content to your tastes and needs? ModCloth, I swear I was just window shopping, but your ads following me around the net are not good for my economical fortitude and therefore pocket book, and Amazon, why do you know so many darn products that I may like to buy but never realized before you told me?!

So my friends, the need for both iOS and Android developer is not going away anytime soon. If you’re hiring, you realistically may need to hire a junior developer to stay within you budget, and if you’re the one with the skills, your career is not one without options. Don’t take my word for it, and yes LeVar Burton I’d love to say it’s in a book, but rather it’s in our latest infographs: iOS in Demand and Android Developers.


This blog was written by Cindy Lombardo. With nine years of experience in the staffing industry having worked in the capacities of recruitment, project management, training and marketing, Cindy currently focuses on developing and implementing digital strategies that target and attract talent across all industry sectors for both national and international employment opportunities. She is passionate about following emerging applicant trends as well as educating others about both the growing talent deficit and strategies that can drive better recruitment efficiencies and return on investment. When she’s not working on candidate marketing strategies, Cindy spends her time outside of work running a non-profit opera company, practicing judo and playing with her crazy dog Scruffy.

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