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Infographic: The Scary Cost of a Stressful Work Environment

Whichever way you look at it, organizational stress is the enemy within. It can have serious consequences for not only the health of employees, but the prosperity of the business. If not addressed properly, fundamental issues and leadership problems can have a snowballing effect on the people who matter most; the employees.

Someone needs to be held accountable for making sure that a business runs like a well-oiled, highly performing machine. Typically this high honor is awarded to a company manager or owner, however this doesn't mean they are the most qualified for the job. 

There are a number of studies that chalk up organizational stress to a number of factors like apathy, a deficiency in employee pride, or a lack of flexibility within an organization. Whatever the reasons, work stresses can fester and creep up at any time. 

Leading the troops with an iron-fist and encouraging uniformity might be your go-to management approach. But, evidence suggests that demonstrating inflexibility and uniformity in the way you manage, can lead to a workforce that lacks enthusiasm.

To better understand how to avoid to the financial and emotional burdens of workforce stress, check out this infographic. Recently released by Pepperdine University on Surviving Organizational Stress, use it to see how many of these points have a ring of truth and could be describing the business you are currently working for or managing.

Some interesting issues arise from the data within the infographic and depending on the answers to these and other leading questions, you might be able to pinpoint some areas of organizational stress within your own workplace.

How high are your staff turnover rates?

Are there regular examples of strained employee relationships?

What are the absenteeism rates for the business?

How often do managers and employees meet for performance appraisals?


About the Author: Having owned her own businesses and now consulting, Megan Barnes has extensive experience in business psychology and employee satisfaction. She particularly enjoys researching new ways businesses can make the most of their opportunities and their workforce. Her articles mainly appear on business related blogs.

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