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RPO Baker’s Dozen: RPO Really Works

2015-BD_RPO.jpgIt is commonplace now to rate apps, appliances, movies, toothpaste, and basically anything you can buy. But, let’s face it, a rating is one thing, experience is another. In the case of HRO Today's RPO Baker's Dozen, the top providers are determined directly by the customer. And if you listen, you can also hear that outsourced recruiting is really working.

Yoh earned a spot on the HRO Today RPO Baker’s Dozen Customer Satisfaction Ratings and we're understandably happy about it. And it would be one thing to be rated by someone independently, but it’s another thing to be rated by your customers; those who are actually paying for your services. Knowing that our customers are happy is even better.

You can learn about the HRO Today survey methodology, but the important part is to understand that the customers felt compelled enough to fill out a survey to have their voice be heard. That’s the first thing. Second, they must have seen the value in the service. So, it’s not only about a specific company, it’s about the practice of RPO and how it works.



If you’ve thought about Recruiting Process Outsourcing (RPO), or any type of outsourced recruiting, the fact that ratings like this exist should signal to you that RPO really does work. Companies large and small benefit from focused, scalable recruiting and process improvements delivered by a partner who is an expert in the field. It’s not new, and it’s not untested.

So, while we are very proud of our rating and our customers, we are also proud to deliver a service that is making a difference in HR departments across the country. It’s a dynamic and exciting time for companies looking for game-changing ways to find and retain talent. RPO can be that game changer.

There are a lot of different ratings out there, but ratings only matter if you’re really hearing the voice of the customer. So, as you look at the RPO Baker’s Dozen ratings and think about what they mean, remember that this is the voice of the customer coming through. And that customer is saying that RPO really works.

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This blog was written by Matt Rivera. Matt serves as Vice President, Marketing and Communications and is responsible for overseeing all aspects of Yoh’s marketing and brand communications. Matt holds a degree in Journalism/Public Relations and has been working in the staffing industry for more than 25 years. Prior to this role, Matt held many different roles from branch recruiting and proposal writing to technology management and online marketing.

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