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Happy 4th of July: Be Safe!

Yoh_Facebook_4thofjuly_bannerOn July 4th, 1776, our founding fathers helped the thirteen colonies of the United States to declare their independence from England. This historic date – now known as Independence Day, is celebrated each year in remembrance of our founders and the values that they adhered to which built this nation.

At Day & Zimmermann and Yoh alike we have values that we strongly endorse as well, with safety being one of our most prominent values. We will never end our commitment to accident and injury prevention and will be continuous in our efforts to educate through safety tools and programs. In addition to being safe inside the workplace, we also encourage our employees to value safety outside of the company. With tomorrow being the Fourth of July, we have compiled a list of safety tips below so we all can have a safe and enjoyable holiday.


Firework Safety:

  • Before buying or using fireworks, make sure that they are allowed to be used in your area. Even if they are legal to buy and have in your state, they could be prohibited where you plan on using them (i.e. a neighborhood, beach, or a park).
  • Never allow children to be around or even handle fireworks, and if you are setting them off, make sure to keep a bucket of water close by in case of a fire.
  • Never light fireworks around other people and be sure to light only one at a time on a flat, smooth surface outdoors.
  • Do not point fireworks or throw them towards other people, structures, animals, vehicles, or flammable materials.
  • Keep sparklers away from flammable materials, especially clothing.
  • Never alter fireworks or attempt to use homemade devices.


Safe Travels:

  • Because there is sure to be a considerable amount of traffic, be mindful of other motorists and follow the rules of the road.
  • Do not drink alcohol and drive.
  • Make sure that everyone traveling with you is wearing their seatbelts and that car seats are installed properly.


Outdoor Safety:

  • If you and your family plan on grilling, make sure that anyone who is not using the grill stays away from it.
  • Keep the grill out in the open and away from any structures that could catch fire.
  • If swimming or boating, be alert to water conditions and make sure that those who do not know how to swim or are beginners wear flotation devices, and if there are children, they should be chaperoned by someone who can swim.
  • If you are outside, make sure to use sunblock or wear a hat to protect yourself from the heat.
  • Be sure to drink enough water to keep yourself hydrated, and seek out shadier areas or go indoors if you feel overheated.


We hope that you find these tips helpful in your celebrations tomorrow and wish you and your families the happiest and safest 4th of July holiday!






About the Author: Caroline Cristini is a current Marketing and Communications intern at Yoh, A Day & Zimmermann Company. She is also a rising junior at Rosemont College in Rosemont, PA. During her time at Rosemont, she is a marketing major who has been named to the Dean’s List each semester whilst serving as a Resident Assistant. Caroline is also a graduate of Padua Academy in Wilmington, DE.

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