
6 HR Tips to Promote Workplace Safety

Safety_hardhat_Yoh_Blog.jpgEach year, employees suffer several common work-related injuries. From muscle sprains to tendonitis and in severe cases, nerve damage. Human resource managers must oversee a number of tasks to ensure a safe working environment.

The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHA) of 1970 ensures safe working conditions for employees. The act authorizes workplace safety policy enforcement. In addition to promoting safety, the legislation assists employers with providing suitable working environments by providing research and training for work safety related topics.

As such, HR managers enforce organizational policies that comply with government safety guidelines and work diligently to identify any unforeseen safety issues. In addition to protecting staff members from physical harm, human resource managers can be responsible for employees’ mental health, the coordination of ongoing training to inform employees of safety related policies, and maintaining open lines of communication with company executives on workplace safety standards.


How To Promote Workplace safety

Human resource managers are responsible for making sure the enterprise and all employees follow OSHA guidelines. These professionals have a deep understanding of the work environment and its related hazards. The government does not require human resources managers to become safety experts. However, managers must oversee the activities that create a safe work environment.

The following tips can be utilized by human resource managers to promote workplace safety. conduct many activities in this regard.


Provide On-Going Health and Safety Training  

Human resource managers are responsible for providing training to employees to mitigate or eliminate workplace injuries. The managers educate staff members on first aid procedures and provide first aid equipment for all work areas.

Human resource managers can also coordinate emergency evacuation drills. It is the manager’s job to make sure that employees take alerts seriously. Manager’s must also make sure that employees follow emergency procedures. By enforcing safety policies, human resource managers save firms from litigation with personal injury lawyers and the associated injury compensation claims.


Incorporate Employee Safety and Health in Human Resource Management 

Managers attempt to protect employees from harm to the best of their ability. Despite this, workplace injuries still occur. And, some trades present heightened risk factors.

These enterprises typically develop and enforce safety policies, such as limiting access to dangerous work areas. In safer settings, such as office buildings, employees face fewer threats, but human resource managers still develop safety programs appropriate for those particular environments.


Legal Safety and Regulatory Requirements on the Human Resource Process

Human resource managers ought to make sure that their enterprise and its employees conform to OSHA regulations. Oversee health and safety personnel and act as a liaison between employees and enterprise safety committees.

Human resource managers must also process worker’s compensation claims and sick leaves in addition to maintaining employee records and documenting special concerns such as pregnancies, disabilities or chronic illnesses. 

Managers also conduct ongoing safety training for new and current staff members and distribute health and safety information for employees. Additionally, they publically recognize safe workers and encourage other workers to practice safe work habits.


Encourage Trust to Promote Safety

Managers must maintain a two-way conversation with employees to stay current with workplace safety issues. They build trust with workers so that they feel free to voice their concerns over safety issues. Without this relationship, human resource managers cannot promote workplace safety effectively.

Enterprises require human resource managers to meet with employees privately, because employees that are uncomfortable expressing safety concerns to upper management may feel free to reveal these issues to human resource administrators. Therefore, hiring managers foster employee trust by hiring human resource administrators that know how to build rapport with staff members and value workplace safety.


Reduce Employee Stress

Physical injuries are not the only safety threat to employees; stress at work is a serious threat to employee well-being. When employees file stress related claims, human resource managers must investigate several factors. Conversely, employees must prove that work is the primary cause of overwhelming anxiety.

Personal concerns contribute to work-related stress. Managers must discover if preexisting conditions or personal matters caused the employee’s anxiety. They must also ascertain whether the circumstance in question is the true cause of a psychologically harmful condition. Human resource managers also consider whether the employee is receiving professional treatment for their work-related stress. Managers must weigh these factors to determine if claims are legitimate and decide whether to issue compensation.


Maintain a Safe Work Environment

Human resource managers coordinate with facilities operations to promote a safe work environment. Facilities managers oversee work related to employee safety. They carry out the safety agendas set forth by human resource managers, who are deeply aware of the threats present in the workplace. Facilities managers procure workplace safety equipment according to human resource policies that promote hygiene and reduce accidents. These activities make employees feel safe and comfortable in the work setting.


Human resource managers work continuously to ensure workplace safety. They enforce policies mandated by legislation as well as internal safety concerns. The managers are responsible for educating staff members on worker related safety issues. Therefore, managers coordinate ongoing training to inform employees of safety related policies. Human resource managers are the focal point of all staff member safety concerns and work tirelessly to ensure employee welfare.


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