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The Top 10 Reasons to Attend CWS

Little_girl_with_balloon_in_sun-990382-editedIf your organization manages temporary labor processes, then the Staffing Industry Analyst’s Contingent Workforce Strategies (CWS) Summit and CW Solutions Forum must be on your radar. Because the conference answers so many questions surrounding the complexities of contingent labor management and procurement, the real question that you should be asking yourself is why aren't you going? 

The series of CWS events offer great insights for human resources and procurement professionals who manage temporary labor processes, statement of work (SOW) engagements, payrolling or independent contractors. From the certified trainings to networking and practical know-how of various non-employee populations, the CWS Summit and CW Solutions Forum are great one-stop, annual resources for information. If you haven’t attended, now is the time.

Why? Times are changing again with the Affordable Care Act (ACA), changes to wage and benefit laws, sick time provisions and independent contractor scrutiny, just to name a few. It’s hard enough to keep up with full-time employees, but who is keeping an eye on your steadily increasing non-employee populations?

So, if you are unsure about attending, or are looking for additional reasons to give your boss, here are my top 10 reasons for attending this year:


Top 10 Reasons to Attend CWS 


10. You need an MSP, a VMS, or an RPO, ASAP, but you have no time to research all your options.


9.  It’s in October and all the back-to-school stuff will finally be over.


8.  You’ve just been handed the contingent labor program to manage, along with benefits, diversity, etc. and you have a pounding headache (that won’t go away).


7.  Free stuff. Yes, we all like it, and it’s OK. Go ahead, grab a light-up, USB toothbrush thing.


6. You still don’t know one or more of the following acronyms: SOW, MSP, VMS, ICE, HCM or RPO.


5. Dallas is still going to be nice and warm in October.


4. You have more temporary workers than ever, but you didn’t get any more resources to help you manage them.


3. You’ve never seen a real, live armadillo (click here to see our event).


2. You’ve never even heard of any of the acronyms in #6.


1. Yoh will be there and you haven’t talked to us yet (come talk to us).

We hope to see you there. And more importantly (and seriously), if you do manage contingent labor or other non-employee programs, by attending you will get some great advice and access to resources and information that you can’t get anywhere else.

The CWS Summit is October 19-20, and the CW Solutions Forum follows on October 21-22 in Dallas, TX. If you ask nicely (and are a HR/procurement practitioner) you could even be our guest. And we do have a real live Texas YohDown event to kick things off. Y’all come on down and see us now, ya hear!

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