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Tick Tock: Time is Running Out to Register for SIA's Contingent Workforce Conference 

If you’ve been waiting to get your tickets and make your plans to attend Staffing Industry Analysts’ Contingent Workforce Solutions (CWS) Summit and Forum, you’re almost out of time. We are less than a month away from this important conference for managers and buyers of contingent labor programs.

We are all busy, and often, one or more of these realities tends to happen just before a conference:

You get the idea. If you forgot any of those things, you’ll be scrambling once October starts. So now’s the time to commit and get to CWS Summit this year in Dallas.

Three Reasons to Attend CWS 2015


Access to Experts 

You can scour the internet for information on MSPs, and VMS tools, and try to talk to a salesperson over the phone (or, conversely try to avoid their calls). But there’s no better place to meet the companies and people who are doing this every day.


Staffing Industry Analysts 

Again, lots of information on their website and from events during the year. But what if you could get that information and your questions answered in a few days – how valuable is that?


CWS Roundtables 

Typically one of the most popular and arguably most productive parts of CWS. We will be hosting the “Building Your Contingent Workforce Business Case” roundtable. We’ve also done a webinar on it in the past that has helped companies launch their programs (really, we have proof). This is just one of many great topics during the opening roundtable sessions.

That’s not all. There are plenty of other opportunities to network with your colleagues in a relaxed atmosphere. Some of it may seem like play (for example, you can join us for karaoke), but it will afford you some time to ask more questions or get to know the players in the space.

There are also plenty of other great sessions and information. It’s a one-stop place to learn about non-employee workers and how to efficiently manage them.

And, if none of that was convincing enough, if you ask nicely, you might even be able to get a free CWS pass. Yes, free. So don’t wait. Get your travel on, and come and see us at CWS in Dallas.

This blog was written by Matt Rivera. Matt serves as Vice President, Marketing and Communications and is responsible for overseeing all aspects of Yoh’s marketing and brand communications. Matt holds a degree in Journalism/Public Relations and has been working in the staffing industry for more than 25 years. Prior to this role, Matt held many different roles from branch recruiting and proposal writing to technology management and online marketing.

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