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Back to Work Podcast: The Great Resignation

Businessman deciding on which path to takeCOVID-19 has forever altered the way we work. In many ways, it has pushed those in the workforce to the edge causing The Great Resignation. People are making the decision to prioritize their mental health and leaving their jobs that no longer suit their needs. In this episode of Yoh’s Back to Work podcast series, our Vice President of Marketing and Communications Matt Rivera and our host, Jason Rocker, explore why so many Americans are leaving their jobs and how employers can retain and grow their teams.


As our personal lives and work lives have become more intertwined than ever, employees are seeking out ways to improve their well-being. Many are facing feelings of burnout after taking on more work in the past 18 months and not being able to maintain a work-life balance. Some are realizing that they don’t need to make sacrifices at work that they don’t want to (i.e. returning to the office full-time) and are choosing to seek out remote work positions. On the other hand, some employees thrive in a full-time office environment and crave the in-person connection, thus leading to a disconnect among teams. In these rapidly changing times, it has become a challenge for employers to maintain employee performance and loyalty.



As Matt notes in our latest podcast episode, “You will not keep people if you are not setting expectations.” Communicate with your employees about the expectations of their role and listen to their feedback. Well-trained managers are key to checking in on employees’ well-being and ensuring they feel supported. Creating new incentives that can help improve your employees’ personal lives works in the company’s favor, allowing them to focus more on work.

Employees are seeking out careers in companies that are adaptable and listening to their needs. It is in the hands of the employer to be an advocate for their employees and evaluate how they can combat this Great Resignation. Listen to the full podcast episode to learn more about the effects The Great Resignation has had on talent acquisition and the new ways employers are finding top talent.


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