
Avoid risk with recruitment process outsourcing

Earlier this month, I came across an article on that explored the repercussions of hiring the wrong people for key positions, and that used those negative consequences as a call to action to hire the best recruiters to ensure your company is never in that situation. The author's (Dakotta Alex) message really stuck with me, and inspired me to write a little more on the topic.

I completely agree with Alex's opinion on the drastic impact of hiring the wrong recruiters and how costly it can be to an organization. However, there was one tip for "where to find the top recruiters" that was missing from the list: an RPO partnership.

Some of the most successful companies don't do any of their own hiring and instead, partner with a vendor to outsource their recruitment function. Especially now, more than ever, when a company potentially has not had much need for hiring in the recent past, but suddenly finds themselves faced with the need, why risk hiring the wrong recruiter(s)?

Recruitment process outsourcing can mean many different things and look many different ways. Often mislabeled at times as requiring a company to turn over very high volumes of hires in order to be considered a good fit for an outsourced partnership, RPO can look much smaller in scale and is often project-based in nature.

Knowing this, and recognizing that recruiting isn't your company's core competency, why take the risk of making a costly mistake? Why not rely on the experts?

Here are a few of the factors that often drive organizations to seek an RPO solution:

  1. Lack of internal recruiting infrastructure/dependence on agencies

  2. Seasonal/cyclical hiring needs

  3. Heavy internal recruiting structure that is costly and not-effective

Knowing that you are faced with any or all of these factors is all the more reason to try to avoid the risks associated with hiring your own new recruiters. These circumstances can be a perfect fit for an RPO partnership, as these types of providers already have a bench of outstanding recruiters ready to work on these types of engagements and satisfy your hiring needs.

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