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Advantages of Remote IT Support

Image of young businessman touching icon of media screenBill Gates a dozen years ago said a significant phrase: "If your business is not on the Internet, then you are not in business". Remote support is a panacea for small and medium-sized businesses and a good solution for large companies. After all, most companies cannot afford to maintain a whole team of technical specialists; it is simply too expensive. Fortunately, with the advancement of technology, the need for such costs has disappeared.

The in-house IT support team, which is constantly present in the office, was replaced by third-party vendors that provide remote IT support services. Almost all the necessary processes from updating software to removing viruses and scanning a gadget can be carried out using a remote computer, which undoubtedly has several advantages.

There are tens of thousands of excellent companies in the current IT services market that provide regular level 1 support and level 2 technical support. But before calling the manager, you should know better about all the advantages of outsourcing IT support and how it will help you.


#1 Reduced Costs

If you hire an in-house IT support team, you'd need to allocate a budget for recruiting, training, and providing various benefits to your employees. By outsourcing these business processes, you eliminate all these costs. Moreover, while working with third-party vendors, you can choose the payment model that best suits your business needs. Some companies charge a flat monthly fee, while others charge separately for each service provided.


#2 IT Support of the Highest Quality

By outsourcing the IT support of your business, you also get the opportunity to get experienced and trained specialists into the team, without the need to select and train them on your own. Those people specialize in solving various problems related to the proper functioning of your IT infrastructure, so they would be able to find the best solutions in a short time.

Moreover, while having a remote IT support team, your employees don't have to waste any time fixing technical issues and solely concentrate on business development.


#3 Quick Problem Solving

A remote specialist does not need to spend time getting to you on the other side of the city. That is, at any time when you need help, the average response time will be several times less than in the case of an in-house support team working on the regular office schedule. According to Novatron, 83 % of the cases are usually solved within one hour, 5 % are between one and two hours, and 2 % require more than two hours to be solved remotely. Companies providing IT support services often work 24/7, so all your problems will be quickly addressed and fixed.


#4 Access to New Technologies

The IT market is the fastest-growing market globally, and accordingly, the technologies used by companies are changing at a tremendous speed. This often leads to the company losing ground by the late introduction of new systems. Understanding this, IT service providers help you keep abreast of new developments in the world of technology and software, recommending necessary improvements.


#5 Regular Maintenance

This is less obvious but no less important point. By connecting to the remote support service, you provide yourself with a guarantee of regularly scheduled maintenance. You can schedule this activity during less busy hours of your activity or even at night to minimize wasted time. If this plus seems dubious to you, consider how much money you will lose if your systems crash in the middle of the working day. But such situations are quite real.



So, in this article, you could analyze the main advantages of using remote support in modern business. We can only state that this is a powerful tool that helps save money and time for both small businesses and huge companies. This point of view is shared by many experts, for example, the authors of the AllBusiness publication, which is another reason to think about the possibility of switching to the remote support model.

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About the Author: Conrad is a professional blogger, content maker, and freelance writer. He has written many great and valuable posts on a variety of topics. Conrad loves outdoor activities. He believes the fresh air brings him inspiration for new ideas.

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