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6 Major HR Trends For 2018

Man_with_Megaphone_Yoh_Blog-5HR has been receiving a major overhaul the last few years. New technologies are being introduced at a dizzying pace, while more ideas – like the impact of AI – loom on the horizon. 

In order to capitalize on these technologies and integrate them into HR planning, we need to explore what’s out there and what it means for organizations. Looking at the trends of the year can provide a useful glimpse into what we can expect.

The best way to make sure that our HR stays ahead of the game is to stay ahead of the development curve, be it technologically, philosophically or intellectually.


The employee experience

More and more companies are providing behind-the-scenes glimpses into their companies, along with full-page spreads in design magazines showing off the perks of working there. By doing so, it may make your own employees begin to wonder when (or if!) your company will follow suit or if they should jump ship for a more progressive employee atmosphere.

This means that HR has to start emphasizing ways that they are making sure that employees get to be more than cogs in a machine. It is preferable to start this trend before things come to head. Fortunately, there are a lot of small ways you can start making a difference.



Okay, it’s just a fancy word for retraining. But it’s becoming a hot-button issue, particularly as a lot of companies and employees are worried that as new technologies come out they will no longer have the skillset necessary to stay relevant.

There are two ways to avoid this problem. The first, is to hire people who have the new skillset. The second, is to teach that skillset to employees who are already working for you. Though the second option might sound expensive, the truth is that bringing in new employees and getting them up to speed with your company’s work processes is expensive as well. Similarly, turnover also has a pretty hefty price tag.

Upskilling employees through alliances with schools and educational outfits like is far more enticing than it may first appear – particularly as it gives you more control over corporate culture by giving you more control over who sticks around.


The individualization of benefits

It is becoming more and more common for people to be able to personalize their benefits to suit their own needs. That makes sense. After all, we all have preferences regarding what is most important to us. Being able to select the item(s) we personally prefer not only gives us more control but also makes jobs more interesting and compensation more suitable.

Of course, for us to be able to individualize benefits, we need to be able to understand how they weigh up against each other. And that can be difficult to determine. How, after all, do you compare extra vacation days to extra medical benefits?



Though it might have died down a little bit, don’t assume that the #metoo movement has gone away. It’s still there and there are still a lot of people who are walking around with the lessons learned in the back of their mind.

The best way to avoid this movement flaring up inside your company is to create a corporate atmosphere where these kinds of problems can be discussed openly and where people are trained to deal respectfully with each other – no matter what group that person belongs to.


Pay Fairness

Who gets paid what can lead to a lot of problems. Mainly, this is down to perceptions of fairness. Fairness is incredibly important to people, in fact, there are indications that we’ve been programmed to seek it out. And so, if we feel we’re are being treated in an unfair manner, they are likely to become frustrated and potentially even angry.

For that reason, pay transparency is important. But it doesn’t end there. Not only do people want to know what a job pays, they also want to know why certain jobs get paid more than others. The better you can explain that, the less trouble you’re likely to face (though obviously there will always be some resentment).


Financial wellness education

There is a lot of debt in the world and your employees possess their fair share. While you may think it wouldn't impact their performance or abilities at work, the financial burden can exacerbate stress and promote feelings of low well-being.

One way to counteract that is to offer financial wellness classes. These classes teach individuals how to take on less debt, as well as clever ways to restructure the debt they already have to decrease total debt owed or payment amounts.


Ignore These At Your Own Risk

Information spreads quickly through modern society. This means that employees find it incredibly easy to find out which company is on top of new trends and which is not. Ignoring these trends will only hurt both retention and new hires down the line.

Don’t let that happen. Embrace these new trends in HR and make sure your company remains a shining beacon on the hill in terms of HR practices.




About the Author : Natalie Andersen is the chief content writer at Get Good Grade and at Studyclerk. Natalie is passionate about her writing career and her tremendous skills in crafting blogs and e-books make her a versatile author and writer. She runs a blog that provides great resources on how to master the art of writing, editing, and proofreading and build a professional career around it.


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