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4 Technologies That Speed Up the Talent Acquisition Process

GettyImages-1567383783Today's job seekers leverage powerful tools to match their experience and skills with the perfect job opportunities, thanks to the vast resources offered by the Internet. Recruiters benefit from access to a broader applicant pool, enabling them to identify the ideal candidates for open positions.

With technology rapidly advancing and expanding, candidates seem to have limitless ways to apply for jobs. Therefore, it’s up to recruiters to utilize the software and digital programs at their disposal to stay ahead of their competition. By taking advantage of these tools, they can acquire the best talent to improve their organization.

Here are some of the best new technologies to help recruiters during the talent acquisition process:


4 Technologies Speeding Up The Talent Acquisition Process 


1. Artificial intelligence

AI has the ability to take control of many different parts of the talent acquisition process. Perhaps the most important reason to use AI is because of its capacity to learn and improve over time. AI systems continuously learn new skills by mirroring manual inputs from your HR professionals. After learning from HR, the AI technology can be relied on to make complicated decisions very quicker than humans can.

One of the most common ways to utilize AI in talent acquisition is for initial candidate sourcing. AI is able to efficiently search the web for candidates with certain profile traits that it has been taught to look for. The software can pick out all potential candidates and form dynamic lists to be reviewed by internal HR teams. AI can even handle initial outreach and dialogue with candidates through templated messaging and chatbot technology.

More sophisticated AI systems can help in the interview stages as well. Some organizations have started using AI to analyze video interviews to look for positive and negative traits through body language analysis. These companies ask candidates to record themselves responding to standardized questions and submit their answers in a video file. The AI technology then reviews the videos and creates reports for the hiring team to review. This enables candidates to be quickly reviewed without the need for interactive phone screenings.


2. Big Data

Big Data helps HR professionals better understand the needs of their candidates and how to meet them. Big Data has a direct impact on an HR team’s ability to understand what candidates are looking for and how they can deliver on those needs. This increases the efficiency of the hiring process and makes it less exclusive.

Big Data also plays a key role in refining and improving not just the hiring methods, but also the types of candidates the organization is recruiting in the first place. The best way to incorporate this technology is to use Big Data analytics to monitor your current new hires.

If you monitor the data concerning what makes some new hires successful and what causes some to fail, talent acquisition teams can consistently alter the qualifications for who they should hire. This information will allow your company to avoid the steep costs of a bad hire.


3. Human Capital Management Cloud Technology

While Big Data is incredibly important, it’s nearly impossible to manage without automated storage and organizational tools to help maintain the databases. Cloud technologies allow HR acquisition teams to organize candidates in the pipeline and gain insights into new hire performance through shared data.

While Big Data is the means of collecting and managing large amounts of data to drive strategy, HCM (Human Capital Management) cloud systems are the actual tools that make this data useful. Candidates can be organized by priority and status within the hiring process. Additionally, automated reminders for calls and interviews can be set up to make sure no one misses critical meetings.

Of course, this data can be shared and accessed from anywhere due to the nature of cloud platforms, which allows for more cross-functional collaboration and efficient communication.


4. Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) can really help make these other technologies shine. RPA technology deploys what can be understood as “digital employees” that can be trained to perform tasks that could previously only be performed by a human workforce. This AI-driven software can learn and improve processes over time. Furthermore, it can work 24 hours a day and rarely makes mistakes.

RPA is most beneficial for performing meticulous tasks like data entry and data transfer. It can also perform analytics and data organization faster than humans. These tasks can be sources of error and frustration when many workers perform them, but when they are done digitally by RPA bots, human employees can focus on more creative and strategic work that technology can’t do.


FInal Thoughts

The various technologies available today are beneficial for job candidates and companies looking to hire these candidates. Technology can help HR teams streamline their sourcing and acquisition of new talent. The technology available to job seekers gives them access to more and more opportunities to find the best job for themselves. Hiring professionals need to be up-to-date on the latest technology that will help them attract top candidates before they are swept up by the competition.


Artificial Intelligence in Talent Acquisition

About the Author: John Klein is an expert in automation technologies and technology integration.

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