A few weeks back, HRO Today announced their annual RPO Baker’s Dozen. The annual list is a benchmark for RPO providers because the data comes directly from customers.
Yoh made the list again (for the fourth year) and as the number one emerging RPO market leader it’s humbling to know that our service to our customers has been recognized. But many buyers, including those who may not be aware of the Baker’s Dozen or the different lists HRO Today releases, might question the value of these types of lists.
These lists are important for one very good reason: Someone is keeping track (and at least trying to keep the vendors honest). All providers, really anyone selling anything, will tell you they are the greatest and have the best service, best people, best logo, best homemade jam, etc. But how do you really know?
The answer is: You probably don’t know until they actually do work for you. But lists like the HRO Today Baker’s Dozen give you a good starting point for assessing vendors. They can be a way to quickly identify potential vendors.
One caution with these types of list is to take them as one data point in your assessment process. The HRO Today RPO Baker’s Dozen is compiled through a customer satisfaction survey. So for the particular services provided by the RPO vendor, the customer rated them highly. This doesn’t necessarily mean they were providing the same kind of RPO service you require.
Here are a few other things to consider when taking advantage of lists like the Baker’s Dozen:
Who is the right vendor for you and what do they do best? All vendors have strengths and weaknesses whether they will admit it or not. So while you may look to the list as a starting point, until you explain your situation and speak to the vendors, don’t rush to the top of the list as the best fit for you.
Do you know what’s happening in the marketplace and who the players are? RPO is a crowded marketplace with many companies practicing various forms of RPO with varying success. Some only do RPO (or certain types of RPO); others have multiple divisions and services. Some are large, some are small and some are public while others are private or supported by private equity. Do your homework on the vendors and the companies behind them.
Assessing a recruiting partner should be a comprehensive process that includes things like culture fit, industry experience and the partner’s resources. As Elliott Clark, CEO of ShareXpertise, noted when announcing the RPO Baker’s Dozen, any of the companies in the list are good choices.
As you select an RPO provider, just remember that lists like these are a good starting point, however there’s more work to be done to find the right provider for your specific needs. And like a lot of things in life: Your mileage may vary.
Read more about Yoh’s 2013 ranking in the HRO Today RPO Baker’s Dozen here.