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12 New Recruiting Trends You Should Implement in 2019

Businessman hand drawing increasing graph on media screenIn the past few years, technology has greatly changed and rewritten traditional recruitment practices, with 2019 being no exception. Hiring executives now use AI for screening their candidates and job seekers are utilizing VR to improve their profile. Generally, both recruiters and jobseekers are seeking out tech advancements that help them with their end goals.

Contrary to the way it was years back, candidates now have extra power when it comes to the job search process. Finding an ideal job candidate and hiring them has become extremely difficult, time-consuming and expensive.

According to research and everyday experiences from professional HR and recruiters, the present-day job market is 90% candidate driven. This has resulted in a significant shift happening in the recruiting paradigm. More focus is given to the candidates, who are now treated like customers. So, which recruitment trends will potentially dominate 2019?


1. Go Mobile

At the beginning of the year, Google announced its move to mobile-first indexing. Mobile-first indexing means Google will now predominantly use the mobile version of the content for indexing and ranking. Historically, the index primarily used the desktop version of a page's content when evaluating the relevance of a page to a user's query. Google has made these changes for two main reasons: to adjust to searchers habits and to enhance the researcher's experience.

In the past, recruiters have been giving Search Engine Optimization the priority, but it's now worth considering. Currently, candidates are searching for jobs through their mobile devices. According to a study, 45% of job seekers use their phones at least once a day to hunt for jobs, while 16% of applications are submitted through mobile devices. Even though mobiles have been around for some time, very few recruiters have adapted to this change. To have an effective and easy recruitment strategy, recruiters and companies must interact with candidates through their mobile devices.


2. Do away with Paper Resumes

When it comes to job applications, the future is saying goodbye to paper resumes. Companies are starting to value soft skills even more. Besides, video and social media submissions demonstrate first impressions more accurately compared to a paper document. For an effective hiring process, companies need to start adopting and accommodating these technologies. As for the job seekers, they need to develop a cohesive personal brand through digital portfolios, social media profiles and even a website (in case it applies to the position).


3. Consider An Eye-catching Online Profile

For a company to attract the best talent, they have to portray an enticing work environment. The best way is by demonstrating an attractive corporate culture through their social media. A study showed that 79% of candidates stated they review the company's social profile during their job search. The reality of your company's working culture should be portrayed accurately across all your social platforms.


4. A.I.

This is a must-have in every recruiter's toolbox this year as Artificial intelligence is already impacting the job market. This type of technology strongly influences the role HR department plays in recruitment. AI bolsters productivity and enhances candidate and client satisfaction. Working with AI backing up, there will be some changes with the skills required from employees. There is a prediction that within the next fifteen years, 50% of employees will be relying fully on the support of AI.


5. Interviewing through Video and Virtual Reality

If you are in search of a fresh and dynamic change on how your company will approach interviews, consider incorporating augmented reality or video and virtual reality. According to a case study conducted by LinkedIn, it was proven that every organization that amalgamated video or virtual reality podium into their interviewing processes had experienced an enhanced hiring efficiency, more candidate engagement, more positive candidate experience and better ability to evaluate skills.


6. Boomerang Hires

In some cases, the grass is not always greener on the other side. Staff who left the company at some point and then later decided to return may be a great asset. For certain, they know the company's culture and products and most probable, depending on how long they've been gone, they have maintained their connection with current employees, which makes them productive right away. A recent study conducted by The Society of Human Resources Management (SHRM) showed that many organizations have created alumni networks through their social media platforms to maintain communication when individuals leave the company. This is a great opportunity to share information and remain engaged with the former workers whom you may wish to recruit back.


7. Collaborative Hiring

This is an effective method where department teams and HR teams work together through the process of recruiting. One of its main benefits is that it decreases turnover rates as well as enhances the quality of new hires, thus positively impacting the overall recruitment strategy.


8. Organized Interviews

In 2019, interviews are experiencing a change in their structure. A structured interview process allows firms to bring fairness and objectiveness into the interview while ensuring the organization is legally protected. Also, it makes the recruitment process more effective.


9. Employee Recommendations

Employee's referrals are becoming more efficient when it comes to filling openings and hiring talents. It gives the employer confidence in the candidate's skills even before hiring them. In 2019, employee referrals are becoming one of the most utilized hiring trends.


10. Internal Candidate Databases

Many organizations have resorted to this approach since there is a shortage of top talent and they have to use their private ATS platforms to obtain candidates. An internal candidate database is when a company owns an inventory of potential candidates.


11. Candidate Relationship Management (CRM)

More than 80% of job candidates choose an organization over another based on their relationship with the recruiter. Candidate Relationship Management is a system that manages and improves relationships with potential and current job candidates in an organization's pipeline. As you can guess, such a valuable development towards better nurturing the relationship between candidates and recruiters has made this a top recruitment trend in 2019


12. Upskilling A Strategic Benefit

Considering the speed at which technology changes these days, certain skills and knowledge may have a shorter shelf life. Thus, top candidates are now looking for a role that offers development and upskilling, whether it's via working on a project outside of their usual scope, being offered additional responsibilities, or giving them time to attend webinars and conferences. This can be a key benefit to every employer who wants to differentiate their company from others in 2019.



To find and attract the right candidate, hiring managers and HR should employ modern approaches. In these contemporary times, posting a job and sitting in your office waiting for the resumes to begin pouring in may not work any longer. Our current job market needs a tactical approach from both the candidate and the recruiter, and you can find more here. To find top talent, you need to stay up-to-date with hiring trends. Considering the capabilities and the size of your company, it may be impossible to adopt all the above trends. Nevertheless, you need to be attentive to the expectations. Identify any potential weaknesses your company is experiencing within your hiring process and be prepared to implement the changes required.


About the Author: Alyssa Johnson is a writer at EduBirdie with in-depth knowledge on the ways to manage the companies of different scales. Also, she is an artsy girl who likes to spend her free time taking photos of everything she can.

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