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Why Americans are Considering a Job Change during Covid-19 Outbreak

Businessman standing in front of opened doors and making decisionJob security has always been an important part of employment, but during the coronavirus pandemic the job market has been upended, millions have been left unemployed almost overnight, leaving many to wonder about the state of their own job and career. In a recent survey of nearly 1,000 employed Americans, we asked how COVID-19 has affected their views on their employer and why.


How Covid-19 has changed employee views

The Coronavirus has impacted everyone, for those people who are still employed, it has potentially altered the perspective of your career, by knowing and seeing how quickly the world can change. A global event helps bring clarity to the fact we are a part of something more. For a majority (51%) of respondents, the pandemic has left them considering changing jobs for a company actively making a difference to help.


To see the rest of the survey results, see the infographic below.




What’s Next?

The pandemic has shown a need for employers to take steps in helping the world move forward, but maybe more importantly to ensure the safety of their workers. The idea of going beyond in caring for your workers was already a growing trend in the workforce. But the coronavirus has accelerated those ideas among American employees, as 62% answered that they would consider changing jobs if they did not feel their employer was sufficiently protecting workers. If anything good can come out of the COVID-19 outbreak, let it be employers and workers alike, actively seeking to positively impact the community and world we live in.



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