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Are Our Manners Becoming Extinct?

Dinosaur_sm_(5)In the past few years it has seemed very rare to get a "thank you" at work. Either people are too busy or they feel that you’re just “doing your job” so it’s not necessary. 

When the economy dropped, the use of this phrase seemed to decrease as well. Employers and clients were asking more and thanking less. You fill an extremely hard position and the view was, well, you’re supposed to do that; that’s what you’re paid for. With budgets cut, people have been overworked and have less time to focus on the “little things”. Unfortunately, it’s those “little things” that make the biggest difference.

Lately though, I have seen the "thank you" coming back. It’s trendy again to take the time to thank someone for their efforts. Appreciation is back in style. Clients and customers are recognizing a job well done. Employers are putting into place award programs so that employees can be financially rewarded for their hard work. Recognition is now being given at the beginning of conference calls and meeting. Emails  showcasing someone’s WIN are getting blasted out throughout companies. Candidates are sending thank you notes/emails again.

Some people view it as simply being polite or professional. Others see the trickle down effects it has throughout an organization. Regardless of the reason, I encourage you, no matter what position you are in to take the time to show your appreciation to the people you work with/around/for, etc. I promise, it will not go unnoticed and it’s a contagious habit that will spread.



This post was written by Alissa O’Sullivan. Alissa has been with Yoh since October 2006 as a Sourcing Specialist supporting GE. She was promoted to a Recruiter in July 2007 and has supported most GE Energy businesses as well as GLOBALFOUNDRIES.  She was recently promoted to Team Leader for GE Power, Water and Energy Management.

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