
How to Hire the Most Difficult to Source Candidates: High Tech Talent

Businesswoman with tablet pc against high tech blue background-1The fact of the matter is the best technical candidates are typically off the market in 10 days. Tensions in the IT community continue to deepen as one fundamental problem remains: there simply are not enough candidates for the number of open positions. 

When I sat with one of the top companies in Philadelphia to explain why their efforts to secure high tech talent was failing, what was perceived to be a complex problem was really in fact quite simple. There just weren't enough technical candidates on the east coast to go around. 

You might be thinking my diagnosis was obvious, and when you have access to the right tools and information, often it is. But something happened after we verified what the client had suspected all along. We had the confidence to formulate a new and comprehensive talent acquisition strategy. But this isn't a luxury readily available to most companies in need of IT staff. And when your strained for resources, time or a little bit of both, it's rare (if it happens at all) to stop and take a breathe.  


How to Hire More High Tech Candidates 

Since the explosion of the technology market in key areas like mobile development and eCommerce, the need for IT professionals has accelerated. IT hiring managers need to keep their finger on the pulse when it comes to competition, compensation and candidate availability. If you're slow to move or aren't offering a competitive package, you better believe that top tech candidate will walk to another company. 


Three Difficult to source & Hire Technology Positions

With this in mind, we wanted to demonstrate which data points you should be evaluating on a regularly basis as it relates to high tech recruiting. We've chosen to highlight DevOps, Big Data Developers and Java Developers because they continue to be some of the most in-demand tech positions, however keep in mind this is a constant moving target in the IT industry. 



DevOps (A clipped compound of development and operations) is a culture, movement or practice that emphasizes the collaboration and communication of both software developers and other information-technology (IT) professionals while automating the process of software delivery and infrastructure changes. 

The data below demonstrates the DevOps candidate and hiring markets over the last three months throughout the United States. 


DevOps Candidates Supply & No. of Current Job Postings

Candidate supply of DevOps professionals is incredibly low when compared to the current number of jobs posted. On a scale of 100 (with 100 being the easiest to recruit for), DevOps candidates come in at a score of 43. 




Top Keywords Used in DevOps Job Titles

Wondering how you can get your job description in front of the right candidates? Try using one of these popular keywords used in recently posted jobs for DevOps professionals. 



DevOps Resume Sourcing & Compensation

Is your organization's compensation package on par with the national average? Take a look at the average salary range and how difficult it is to search for and find DevOp candidate resumes.




Big Data Developers

Big data is a term for data sets that are so large or complex that traditional data processing applications are inadequate.

Challenges include analysis, capture, data curation, search, sharing, storage, transfer, visualization, querying, updating and information privacy. Hadoop, Splunk, Tableau.


Big Data Developers Candidates Supply & No. of Current Job Postings

On par with DevOps professionals, the candidate supply of big data developers is low when compared to the current number of active jobs postings. On a scale of 100 (with 100 being the easiest to recruit for), big data developers rank 48 when it comes to hiring outlook. 



Top Keywords Used in Big Data Developer Job Titles

Wondering how you can get your job description in front of the right candidates? Try using one of these popular keywords used in recently posted jobs for big data developers. 


Big Data Developer Resume Sourcing & Compensation

Is your organization's compensation package on par with the national average? Take a look at the average salary range and how difficult it is to search for and find big data developer candidate resumes.




Java is a general-purpose computer programming language that is concurrent, class-based, object-oriented, and specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible. It is intended to let application developers "write once, run anywhere" (WORA), meaning that compiled Java code can run on all platforms that support Java without the need for recompilation.


Java Developers Candidates Supply & No. of Current Job Postings

While java developers come in at the "easiest" to recruit for out of our top three, the hiring indicator ranks these candidates at a difficulty score of 51; making it somewhat easier to source and hire java developers. 




Top Keywords Used in Java Developer Job Titles

Wondering how you can get your job description in front of the right candidates? Try using one of these popular keywords used in recently posted jobs for java developers. 



Java Developer Resume Sourcing & Compensation

Is your organization's compensation package on par with the national average? Take a look at the average salary range and how difficult it is to search for and find java developer candidate resumes.



The date featured in this post was provided by Career Builder's Talent Supply & Demand Portal 


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