
Tech jobs: Silicon Valley job market snapshot

The Silicon Valley has long been the center of the U.S. tech sector and serves as a barometer for the future direction of tech jobs across the country. For the past several years, Yoh's own Mike Manoske, IT Business Development Manager in San Jose, has been tracking job trends in software engineering and IT throughout the Valley. We thought his quarterly Jobs Snapshot would be a great addition here on The Seamless Workforce.

According to Mike's latest snapshots, overall IT job growth in Silicon Valley is lagging. On the bright side, however, desktop support jobs have been picking up, and software engineering has seen considerably strong growth over the last few months -- a sign that IT should make a comeback in Q4 2010 to Q1 2011. IT infrastructure typically grows as software engineering expands.

Check out Mike's snapshots below, and let us know what trends you've been seeing.

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Silicon Valley Software Engineering Job Snapshot, June 2010:


Silicon Valley Information Technology Job Snapshot, June 2010:

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