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Future Recruiting Trends & Tips to Stay Ahead of the Curve

When I think of innovation, a lot of the greats come to mind. Maybe it’s having grown up in California or my recent family vacation, but you can't talk innovators without mentioning Walt Disney. A master of many, the legacy Disney left behind reminds us to never stop looking ahead to drive the decisions of today.

When I was growing up in California, one of my favorite Disneyland attractions -- other than the obvious thrill rides -- was the Carousel of Progress. It’s said that this was one of Walt Disney’s favorites, and that he liked to take his visitors and investors there. Located in the big, round building in Tomorrowland, it was based on the 1964 New York World’s Fair exhibition of the future. Once you stepped inside, you could see the world of the future pass before you. It was great for a growing boy’s imagination, and it was also something to do after you were all out of E tickets. (Yes, I’m old enough to remember the actual tickets.) 

The Carousel of Progress moved to Walt Disney World many years ago. When I traveled there with my family over spring break, I was awestruck by the nostalgia that instantly flooded my inner child. The experience, from the visuals, to the people who greeted us, was strikingly unchanged.

Reimagine the Wheel

This got me thinking about what I (the adult version of me) attribute to Disney's widespread success: training and personnel. I've read that Walt Disney instituted strict training policies for how employees treat guests of his parks. As a child, I was an easy customer to please, but now as a paying adult, there are several considerations that influence my decision to pick Disney over the competition. 

Many companies struggle with maintaining consistency across its business; especially with regards to recruiting, hiring and/or training. While some organizations maintain this function internally, others find it helpful to outsource. Known as Recruitment Process Outsourcing, or RPO, this service helps to alleviate the pressure of doing more with the talent acquisition process. It can start as a project-based engagement where the RPO Provider brings industry-specific expertise, along with proven best practices and access to valuable recruiting resources; such as technology platforms, discounted rates with job boards, and so on. 


3 Recruiting Trends for the Future

It is important to note that as technology continues to automate human processes, having a real conversation with the applicant won’t (and shouldn’t) go away. One thing that will be consistent in the future of recruiting is the personal touch that goes along with it. 

Treating candidates more like guests will be an important differentiating factor. With this in mind, here are the trends that are the driving force behind the staffing and recruiting innovations of today.  

A Shift Towards Independent Contractors

Some people will never work as permanent employees. The recession forced many people into working independently or starting their own businesses. Some will probably never work for corporate America again. (For many, this was already the case.) In the future, many businesses will simply have a network of partners and independent workers. In many areas, staffing companies will provide the link to a vast network of independent workers.

Get Personal

Finding a job will be more personal. Social media has taught us that nothing is a secret, especially if you can put it into 140 characters or less. In the future, staffing solutions will have to provide a more personalized experience to rise above the chatter. Companies and staffing providers will have to make it seem like they are only looking for you (the candidate) and that they already understand how you will fit into their position and culture. It’s scary to think about, but some of that information is already out there.

Master the Digital Revolution 

Proving who we are and how we fit will be more difficult. I had to think of at least one challenge for the future, right? Virtual employment, online interactions, and the ability to craft your online persona will create challenges for staffing in the future. Are you who you say you are and can you do the job? (If you’ve ever seen the movie “Gattaca,” you’ll know what I’m talking about here.) Hopefully in the future there will also be more testing and verification tools to overcome this issue.

One last thing. Last week, I also went to Universal Studios in California. In case you were wondering, my fallback career was going to be the wise-cracking tram operator on the studio backlot tour. Maybe that’s my retirement gig? "Earlier we saw the house from 'Father Knows Best,' but right now mother always knows best at the house from the movie 'Psycho'".  Perhaps it’s best that my current career’s stability ensures I don’t need to confuse the tram-riding children vacationers of today with jokes about 50-year-old movies they’ve never seen.  

Download your guide to Recruitment Process Outsourcing 101.  

RPO Definition Cost Models & Goals

 This blog was written by Matt Rivera. Matt serves as Vice President, Marketing and Communications and is responsible for overseeing all aspects of Yoh’s marketing and brand communications. Matt holds a degree in Journalism/Public Relations and has been working in the staffing industry for more than 25 years. Prior to this role, Matt held many different roles from branch recruiting and proposal writing to technology management and online marketing.

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