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Management Tips to Motivate & Ignite Recruiter Performance

man_crossing_finish_line_Yoh_blogTo create a winning team, it takes time, patience, and creativity. But in recruiting, there’s never enough time in the day to get it all done; let alone to find time to be creative. True, management is never easy; especially as a recruiting team lead where your expertise and success is based on the very thing you have no control over: recruiting candidates.

As you are aware, recruiting is a numbers game that’s all about driving fulfillment. The data is very black and white, and as the person managing a team of recruiters, it’s up to you to keep your team accountable and motivated. But, when you are managing upwards of a dozen or more recruiters, each with a laundry list of open job requisites, how do you keep everyone focused on hitting their recruitment goals?


Recruiting Metrics That MAtter Most

In my opinion, recruiting is a balancing act: one part art and one part science. Expecting recruiters to hit their numbers in a typical 40 hour work week can be difficult, so understanding that recruiting requires both discipline and agility is imperative as a recruiting or hiring manager. For example, one recruiter on your team could be sourcing candidates on both coasts, while another is recruiting for international positions. Your team must be available to interface with candidates on their schedules, not yours. This can make monitoring your team’s performance and activity nearly impossible.

Therefore, if you are going to set the bar high, you better be able to tap into what drives recruiters to meet their fullest potential. This is where data and recruiting metrics could either make or break your management approach. While each industry and company is different, you should still have a consistent benchmark that you are trying to meet. At Yoh, we use three key recruiting metrics to monitor weekly and monthly performance goals.

  • Total Submittals
  • Submission-to-Interview Rate
  • Interview-to-Hire Ratio

By letting the numbers do the talking, it will be clear who from your team has a high activity rate and who is underperforming. In terms of a management style, I am a strong believer in showing the “WIFM,” or what’s in it for me. I believe that you ignite people by making them see the value of their activity versus just doing it because management says they need to. One piece of advice I would offer here is to sit with your team and break down the numbers. Show your recruiters the financial reward they will receive if they hit their goals. But moreover, do this on a regular basis. Consistency is key in an industry that can easily turn chaotic or haphazard.


Create a Culture for Success

Another way to amplify success among your recruiters is to create a safe and open environment for feedback. Conversations around recruiter activity, production, and attitude can be difficult, but if you keep them constructive and point out clear objectives, you can positively change the attitude and performance of a recruiter.

Set up one-on-one’s with each of your recruiters where the goal is to discuss upcoming successes and challenges. Address shortcomings early on, and use your expertise to mitigate any problem that could potentially bubble up down the road.

Last, consider that in any working atmosphere, a high-level of activity is infectious,  as is a lack thereof. A winning culture means that everyone holds each other accountable in the good times as well as the bad ones. As a manager, I don’t need to tell you how important it is to properly train your staff, but really taking the time to do so is a challenge. Whether it’s running out of time, energy or a little of both, there is something that will always get in the way of face time with your team. Make it a point to show them you are committed, and you will quickly see the return on your investment. 

We live a in a world where it can feel like we are always being sold to. Whether it’s recruiters trying to peddle a candidate on a job, or a manager trying to selfishly motivate an employee, we know when we are being sold to. One of the best ways to truly motivate any team is to be honest in helping them to succeed. As Sir Richard Branson said, “Train people well enough, they can leave, treat them well enough, they don’t want to.”


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About the Author: Drew Peck is a seasoned staffing professional with 15 years of experience in the recruiting industry. Drew graduated from Eastern Illinois University in 2000. He is proud to say that the staffing and recruiting business is the only he has been a part of since starting his career. He has an undeniable passion to drive results and help fellow recruiters meet their professional and personal goals.

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