
Recession to Succession: The necessity of investing in employee engagement (an introduction)

This week during our editorial planning for The Seamless Workforce, we discussed at length an article. It was on the low levels of employee engagement that might exist as the result of cost-cutting and increased workloads employees have had to endure in the face of the Great Recession.

On first read, the article seemed to provide valuable recommendations, but I didn't think there was much else to consider beyond what had already been written. Fortunately, I was in the minority. My colleagues brought to light some very relevant and varying perspectives on the situation, and the impact it could potentially have upon candidates, employees, and management.

In fact, their perspectives were so unique and interesting that we decided to move forward with a three-part series. It will discuss the importance of properly monitoring employee engagement, as well as the impact that poor engagement might have upon the workforce.

Over the course of the next week:

    • Matt Rivera will illustrate the importance of investing in engagement with your contracted employees.

    • Mindy Fineout, in Recruiting Ruminations, will examine how a firm's handling of engagement in difficult times is a very accurate reflection of the firm's culture.

    • And our newest contributor, Jesse Ohayon, will cover the potential pitfalls that some firms may experience by not adjusting cost savings measures when recovery takes hold.

Check back or subscribe to our RSS feed to make sure you catch the whole series. If at first glance you might not have anything to add, share it with a colleague. Perhaps you will experience what we did -- multiple and unique perspectives that will further the discussion.



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