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Questions to ask when selecting an RPO provider

While I definitely plan to take a summer vacation this year, some family and work priorities have so far prevented me from actually being able to schedule the time and pick the perfect destination. My plan is to finalize this important decision in the coming days, and what's interesting is that I will end up using many of the same thought processes to make this decision that could be used to select an RPO provider.

For instance, I am going to start by asking myself, "What am I looking to gain from this trip? What am I looking to get out of the experience?" Obviously some rest and relaxation will be a part of it, so that I can return to my team and company with a refreshed outlook and approach to the goals we need to accomplish during the remainder of the year. Similarly, when a company is looking to select an RPO provider, they need to ask themselves, "What am I looking to achieve?" Better quality of talent? Less time to fill? Less cost per hire? One has to ask themselves those questions from the start.

Another thing I will look for is "fit." Meaning, what is the location of the destination, how is it set up, what is included in the price, and how easy will it be to get there and return? Companies look for the same types of things when evaluating options for an RPO provider. They want the company that matches up well with their culture, mission, values, etc. This is important when deciding to outsource your recruiting function, and certainly plays into the selection process.

Once the vacation week comes to a close, I will hope to have achieved the desired end result, and if all goes well, the planning and preparation for the trip will have made it a success. Look back over your week (or the engagement with your RPO provider) and review whether or not your expectations were met. Did you achieve your goals? Was the process seamless, or did you encounter bumps and bruises along the way? If the latter, how did those serving you respond and adjust to the challenges? Would you recommend the experience to others?

Much like booking the perfect vacation, selecting an RPO partner should not be something you rush into. Define your goals, evaluate your options, and pick the destination (or RPO partner) that can best help you reach them.

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