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Putting a positive spin on recruiting

Spin class. It’s my best friend, my worst enemy, and my saving grace when the air outside is so cold that your skin cracks. I love listening to a chorus of 30 bikes humming in unison, feeling the temperature of the room rise from the collective hard work. Within minutes, the mirrors fog with steam, and the towels placed under your bike to sop up sweat are put to good use. It’s exhausting, exhilarating, and awesome.

Given my affinity for cycling, it’s not surprising that the best advice I received this year came from one of my favorite spinning instructors. Here it is: “On a ride, you’ll never feel as good as you do forever, and you’ll never feel as bad as you do forever.”

While my instructor was referring to a challenging, two mile climb up a 10 percent grade hill, it immediately struck me as a piece of wisdom that works both on the bike and in the recruiting world.

Recruiting is a roller coaster of epic ups and downs. You can feel defeated and hopeless one minute, and then the phone rings and your whole day changes. Likewise, you can be riding the wave of what seems like endless success, loving every minute of the process, until the phone rings and takes you right back to where you started.

In recruiting, the ups and downs are inevitable. Having the tools to deal with that, namely the understanding that everything is temporary no matter how good or bad, is the key to success.

That, and maybe a good spin class at the end of the day.


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