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Patience, fireworks and recruiting

For today’s Movieclips Monday, I thought it would be good to celebrate the good ‘ole USA with some fireworks, but it turns out today’s clip also stands to remind us of some of the ups and downs of recruiting.

Much like fireworks, recruiting is an art and a science. You have to be careful both don’t blow up in your face – like the wrong hire on a critical project or someone who wasn’t properly vetted. Those are not the kind of fireworks you want.

What you should be getting from your recruiting resources is a good flow of good candidates – like a fireworks display that is timed perfectly. No one likes a big lull in the action.

Patience is also required, but it should be backed by data. Your recruiting networks and resources should be working for you and providing results, but you have to track them to be sure and be ready to change if necessary. Like fireworks, there’s usually a build up and then the show really begins.

So enjoy today’s clip from the 90’s Saturday Night Live spin-off movie, Coneheads, and remember to wait for the show. Like recruiting, it may start off slow, but if you have the right resources in place, you should start seeing big time results. Happy 4th of July!


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