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Movieclips Monday: Jimmy Page and workforce innovation

I often hear colleagues, clients, and practitioners talk about innovation and the multi-generational workforce. In recruitment process outsourcing (RPO), other favorite words are disruption, best practices, leadership, creativity, creative destruction, and risk.

This past weekend I watched “It Might Get Loud,” a documentary film about three incredible guitarists -- The Edge, Jimmy Page and Jack White -- that are from three different generations. I wasn't thinking about RPO, recruitment, or anything else work-related when I watched the film. I was most taken by the expressions on The Edge's and Jack White's faces while listening to Jimmy Page play. (They clearly recognized a master at work, which is saying a lot since they are brilliant musicians themselves.)

However, the next morning I woke up thinking about how the perspectives of the musicians and their performances in this film represent so many aspirations and common concepts that are applicable to both recruitment and our personal lives. Particularly how Jimmy Page has been so influential, but at the same time he was clearly influenced by historically important artists and blues musicians.

Last week the Yoh RPO team had a discussion about the differences in various generations and their influence on the workforce. The depth of experience and cultural influence each member of the workforce brings is immeasurable. I think that this is similar to Jimmy Page’s description of the distortion pedal in the clip below. The distortion tool he describes might be commonplace now, but think of its impact and how innovative it was at the time of invention.


Building on the experience of others and taking risks are common themes today. We frequently look at the differences between generations and practices but less frequently consider the convergence of cultures and the various types of experience in the workplace. I'm consistently impressed with the clarity many great artists have about exactly who inspired them and when it occurred.

Whether you’re hiring a team or building one, leading or following, be conscious of the work that precedes you. Be mindful of the things that seem commonplace or that you take for granted. Putting people and ideas together in ways you might not normally consider can make the difference between ordinary and extraordinary results.

This post was written by Doug Lubin, a successful Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) Practice Leader and Consultant, who brings over a decade of expertise building sustainable solutions for clients and partners.  Doug helps firms develop high performing talent acquisition and management strategies locally and globally.  Learn more about Doug.

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