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Three Hidden Keys to Managed Staffing Success

guy_magnify_glass188x188Managed staffing programs are now more common than ever. Whether the contingent labor program is managed by an outside provider or an internal department, the commonality is that one size does not fit all when it comes to contingent labor management.

This is particularly true for larger enterprise-level organizations. In my experience with larger clients with millions in contingent worker (CW) spend, I’ve found there are many layers when it comes to workforce needs.

For example, companies trying to get temporary workers or other non-employees in and out of their organization face a complex web of processes, partners, internal stakeholders and staff that touch various points along the way. It’s not easy, or everyone would do it themselves.

A Managed Staffing Program (MSP) or even a close supplier partnership means that there is a level of trust and coordination that allows both parties to be successful. And, it's important to note, everything you encounter won’t always show up in a contract. Sure, there are terms, metrics, pricing agreements and other important expectations that need to be set, but the real value to a managed contingent labor program is often in the day-to-day details.

As you are evaluating how your MSP is performing, remember these three key areas that have proven to increase success in existing managed staffing programs.


Don’t Commoditize Candidates

Don’t lose sight of the fact that you are dealing with people. Yes, workforce solutions are typically managed by Procurement and HR departments, but when you are contemplating what direction to drive your recruiting strategy, remember, there is a person attached to the other end of that job order.

When you commoditize the job seeker, you might miss out on the best candidate based on poor process and lack of information. Likewise, if hiring managers don’t have a good experience they will find ways around your program.

Managing suppliers and making sure they follow a good, compliant process that represents your company well, interfaces smoothly with hiring managers and treats temporary workers right is one key to having a well-run program.


Look for a Cultural Fit in Suppliers & Providers

There are several variables to consider when implementing an MSP program. When giving away the "keys to the kingdom," be confident that the MSP provider you selected compliments the core values that are imperative to your organization.

If process and compliance is important, make that a key consideration in the RFP process. If it’s the job seeker or hiring manager experience, make certain you are on the same page. Create metrics and communications that foster transparency in these areas (more on this below).

Don’t hire an MSP provider or talent supplier who specializes in high volume, light industrial positions to manage your hard-to-fill IT requisitions or vice versa. And, be ready to change processes in certain areas to accommodate your specific hiring needs. An IT or executive position may require a more extensive screening or interview process, but it will bog down blue collar positions. They can have processes in common (and be compliant with your policies), but they shouldn’t be the same.


Account for Ample Time

Understand the rules of engagement. Each staffing provider or MSP is unique and relies on a different set of processes. Likewise, each client is different. Know that there is going to be a period of getting to know each of you.

Create an environment that is easy to follow for everyone in the chain (remember those touch points above), communicate clearly and track tasks that are important to the organization. The more transparency there is the better. Suppliers, hiring managers, and job seekers all want honesty and communication. If your program delivers that, you will be successful.

Contingent workers are a growing and now permanent part of most workforces today. Whether an MSP is involved or simply a supply chain of staffing providers, you will get the most value if you look beyond the contract.

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Jacquillia Hooper has been aligning exceptional talent with extraordinary organizations for exciting career opportunities for over 12 years. She excels at business development within the human capital space and utilizes her broad depth of experience to manage Fortune 100 corporations as the Strategic Account Director for Yoh.  She resides in the Greater Philadelphia area with her family and enjoys archery in her free time. 

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