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The Ultimate Cheat Sheet for the Perfect Linkedin Profile [Infographic]

Are you on LinkedIn? You’re proudly nodding your head in agreement, but there’s absolutely no use in being on the business networking platform at all if you’re not making the most of it.

You’re probably thinking that you’re two steps ahead of those colleagues who simply aren't on the site and one step ahead of those who are but don't see the value in it. Unless you have all-star status, you aren't fully leveraging the site to gain the attention of its estimated 450+ million members. Before diving into the ultimate LinkedIn Cheat Sheet Infographic below, let's address some key findings to highlight the power of LinkedIn's network.


What You Need to Know About LinkedIn

Every Second, At Least Two People Join the Site – What were we just saying?! Now, two a second is a heck of a lot of members – so wouldn’t you want to be part of it? Your very next boss could be looking for talent like you right now.

Simply by Uploading a Photo, You’re Increasing Your Visibility Elevenfold – Who knew it was that easy to be noticed, eh? But it’s true; profiles with a picture are around 11 times more likely to be viewed than those without.

‘Motivated’, and ‘Enthusiastic’ Are Amongst the Most Overused Words – Thinking of overhauling your LinkedIn profile? Consider very carefully the language you use in your bio. According to the site, the most overused and clichéd words used are ‘motivated’ and ‘enthusiastic’, followed by ‘successful’ and ‘driven’. Maybe it’s time to think outside the box and grab a dictionary? Stand out from the crowd and resist the urge to type out ‘motivated’. Go on, we dare you.


The Ultimate LinkedIn Cheat Sheet

Now that you have some of the basic rules to guide your decision-making process, use this handy LinkedIn Cheat Sheet to craft your perfect LinkedIn profile in just seven steps. 





Download The ultimate Linkedin cheat sheet PDF



About the Author: Serious about advancing your leisure and hospitality career? You've come to the right place! At Leisurejobs We have a simple mission: Supplying thousands of job opportunities for our Leisurejobbers and matching you to career opportunities that you'll truly enjoy.

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