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IT staffing insight from TechJobStats' Mike Manoske

Recently The Seamless Workforce had the pleasure of speaking with Mike Manoske, the founder of TechJobStats and an IT expert who has been involved in the technology industry for more than 25 years. Mike's had plenty of experience in tech, holding roles in nearly every department, starting his own company, and identifying top tech talent as a recruiter. From time to time, Mike has even provided Yoh with insight on software engineering and IT staffing trends throughout Silicon Valley.

As part of our regional breakdown of technology wages, we invited Mike to share his observations of wages in Silicon Valley and Greater Seattle, as well as highlight the demand for tech skills across the country. In our conversation, Mike discusses how different tech sectors have responded to the economic recovery, the skill sets he sees as being the most in demand today, and the impending war for talent, which Mike believes will force smaller tech companies to get creative and develop competitive compensation packages based on their employees' quality of life.

Listen to our podcast to get Mike's thoughts on tech skills and hiring, and stay tuned to The Seamless Workforce for a complete transcript next week.

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