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In case you missed it: Oct. 29

With a few members of our editorial team out west at the CWS Summit last week, and the Webinar we hosted this week on about the perceptions and predictions about the role of non-employees, the contingent workforce has been occupying an even more prevalent spot in our minds than usual. It seems to be on the minds of others in the field as well.

Take a look: Measuring Performance Across Your Total Workforce. The Aberdeen Group estimates that  contingent labor makes up 20-25 percent of the workforce in the U.S. The author of this post argues that this is a conservative estimate and that more than 50 percent of the work conducted at your organization could be completed by non-employees. Regardless of the exact percentage, the point is that the population is significant, and yet, often, HR shies away from taking a hands-on approach to managing temporary talent.

The author stresses the importance of addressing the needs of the total workforce with any talent management system, argues for leveraging performance management as the foundation of total workforce management, and identifies the Statement of Work as an assessment tool.

Workforce Management: Caterpillar Adds 9,000 to 'Flexible Workforce.' According to Caterpillar's third quarter earnings, the company has added 9,000 workers to its flexible workforce so far this year. That's in addition to 6,000 full-time employees.

And don't forget the latest updates in the FedEx affair:

Workforce Management: FedEx to Pay $2.3 Million Over Independent Contractors. After a year-long investigation, FedEx will pay the state of Montana $2.3 million over the misclassifcation of FedEx ground drivers as independent contractors. Cuomo Files Suit Against FedEx. New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo joins the fight against FedEx, alleging the company incorrectly labeled delivery drivers as independent contractors, depriving them of benefits.

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