
How to Improve Your Brand Image and Attract Top Talent

double exposure of businessman hand drawing virtual chart business on touch screen computer-2When it comes to recruiting top talent, your online image will be a big part of your business's success. Now more than ever, projecting the wrong image to prospective hires can be the difference between signing a contract and being outright ignored. There are several reasons for this.

Increasingly, company culture is a top decision factor for both candidates and recruiters. These days, everyone knows that their co-workers are the people they spend most of their time with. It only makes sense that candidates want to ensure a good value match. A big part of this decision comes from online research.

On top of that, international recruitment and the move to remote working means that there's more competition than ever for the highest skilled candidates. It's no surprise that over one-third of CEOs say a bad online reputation makes it difficult to attract talent.

With that in mind, let's look at some concrete strategies you can use to boost your online image. That way, you'll have no problem attracting and recruiting top talent.


Tips To Attract Top Talent


Remove Negative News Articles

One of the easiest ways to improve your online image is to remove damaging articles about your brand. In extreme cases, this might take the form of critical, inaccurate or biased news stories. To reduce the impact of these, you have plenty of tricks up your sleeve.

Of course, you can always ask publishers to remove content that is hurting your recruitment efforts. However, they won't always play ball. When this happens, you need to push their content down the search rankings with positive content of your own. You can do this through an effective blogging strategy.

The key to doing this is creating timely and engaging content on an ongoing basis. This should be both on your site and on external sites. This leads us nicely to our next strategy for boosting your online image.


Create Positive Stories

The benefits of creating positive stories go way beyond shutting down bad press. Creating positive stories is a fantastic way to show the world what a great organization you are to work for. This doesn't have to be overtly recruitment focused content.

Instead, one good strategy is to showcase the achievements of your existing employees. This includes what they do in the office, but you can also use this as a chance to praise your staff for undertaking charity activities. This sends a powerful message to prospective hires.

Above all, it demonstrates that you care about your employees and are willing to support them. This is crucial in a world where so many new hires want to avoid getting sucked into a faceless corporation. These kinds of stories are also an easy way to reach new talent organically.


Encourage Employees to Write Online Reviews

Online reviews also make up a massive part of your company's image. You have to do something seriously wrong to end up with negative press in the traditional media. As such, reviews on sites like Glassdoor make up the majority of your online reputation.

Sites like Glassdoor are where a large portion of prospective hires will do their research. Glassdoor provides an average star rating. Your priority is to get this as high as possible. However, due to negativity bias, many people will pay more attention to individual negative reviews than they do to a large number of positive ones.

It's crucial to get as many positive reviews as you can. The best way to do this is to encourage your employees to leave you a review on Glassdoor. Often, the staff won't do this unless they have had a negative experience. You need to provide some incentive to provide positive reviews.

This can often be as simple as explaining the business benefits that this will lead to, including how it will make their lives easier to have high-quality co-workers in the future. It would help if you also emphasized that Glassdoor reviews can be completely anonymous.


Use Social Media Advocacy

Another way to use your staff to attract and recruit new talent is through employee advocacy. One way to do this is through a traditional employee referral scheme. However, nowadays, you can also leverage your staff's social media audiences.

LinkedIn forms the core of this. Employees recruited through LinkedIn are 40% less likely to leave your business in the first six months. As such, LinkedIn hires are a valuable resource for your company.

Encouraging your staff to be active on LinkedIn is an easy and free way to leverage this fact. This can take the form of sharing your content marketing to their audiences. It can also include encouraging them to create thought leadership pieces on social media concerning their work and how it fits into your company more broadly.


How to Recruit Top Talent by Boosting your Online Image

Many companies fail to put effort into crafting a great online image. They wonder why their recruitment processes are longer, more expensive, and less effective than they'd like. The crux of this is that candidates want to know that a prospective employer is a good culture fit.

To ensure you have the best possible online image, you have several options. Part of this is limiting the impact of bad press. However, the majority of your effort should be focused on creating positive stories, and getting your existing staff to shout about them.


Test, Evaluate Your Access to Talent


About the Author: Jonas is a content writer specializing in SEO. a has established himself as an online reputation management expert by authoring numerous articles and being quoted by journalists in top-tier publications


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