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How recruiting is like a jigsaw puzzle

How many of you have ever put together a jigsaw puzzle?  A really good challenging jigsaw puzzle?

Or do you get tired of the challenge and just want to give up, move on to something easier?  Come on, raise your hand…

It’s easy to solve recruitment problems when you think about one simple puzzle piece.  Imagine if you will, you have a puzzle piece and are desperately trying to position it into the wrong place on the puzzle board.  The edges tear, it doesn’t look right, it affects the other pieces in the same area and ultimately, the puzzle is incomplete.

Many of us, as recruiters, spend a great deal of time encouraging hiring managers the importance of their selection decisions. Even though it is difficult to relate the recruitment process to the retention of a new hire, we recruiters want the hire to be successful, for we invested a great deal of time sourcing, screening and building the candidate experience.

To the hiring manager, presumably all of the candidates we screen and submit can fit the vacancy.   However, if the proper selection is not made by the manager, there can be many disruptions.

First, the performance of the new hire will suffer.  They may just not be able to perform at the level required due to culture fit, not having the direct management they are used to, or any other type of environmental factor.

Second, other members of the team will need to compensate for the limitations causing frustration, over-time dollars, and possibly morale issues.

Third, the incorrect hire now has a bad experience with the company, will tell others, and may eventually leave the position for something more suitable.

As a recruiter, it is important to educate the manager on factors that fit a strong selection decision.  Heck, you might give your hiring managers a puzzle piece that is frayed or torn as a visual reminder of why one should not fill a slot with the wrong person.

And embrace the challenge of a jigsaw puzzle – they are really helpful with building your strategic influence.  In fact, did you know that your left-brain thinks logically and follows sequence while the right brain is creative, intuitive and emotional? When you try to put together a jigsaw puzzle, you harness both the brainpowers.

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