
ERE wrap-up and tackling recruiting challenges

Just got back from attending the ERE Recruiting Conference & Expo in San Diego last week, which was strongly attended and well organized. I heard speakers touch on everything from robots to corporate co-working, and all things in between  including global recruiting strategies and mobile apply (two absolute must have’s or you’ll drown without them). I also had the opportunity to hear a current Yoh client speak on a panel discussing the elevation of recruitment strategies from “post and pray” to best in class.

Now it’s no secret that ERE is largely attended by in-house recruiting leaders and their teams.  The talent acquisition leaders who are there with some sort of RPO solution are largely outnumbered compared to some other conferences Yoh attends, however therein lies the opportunity, and the ‘ah ha’ moment I had while attending last week.

I heard countless questions and comments from the audience on areas of challenge for organizations large and small that I couldn’t help but think to myself: You need RPO. Clearly I wasn’t about to grab the microphone and share my thoughts with hundreds of strangers, but I’ll gladly share it here today from the safety of this blog.

Listen, I get it, some companies truly believe that recruiting can be done best in-house, or that their culture wouldn’t support an outsourced model.  My response to that would two fold. One thought would be: Who ever said it had to be outsourced in its entirety? Yoh has numerous partnerships where we are an extension of an in-house team, and as long as the handoffs and deliverables are very clear it can absolutely work and work well! It makes sense to take the time to look at how RPO could augment an existing model for stronger results.

My other thought is: If your organization just wants no part of “outsourcing” period, then replace that word with the word “optimization” and initiate a consulting engagement with an RPO provider who has proven success and clients who are willing to attest to such. Allow them the opportunity to evaluate your current recruiting process, technology, and strategy and leave your company with a recommendation for betterment.

Simply stated, RPO doesn’t have to mean a complete loss of control for any company. It’s truly meant to improve the talent acquisition strategy you have in place today by applying the knowledge and expertise from those who have helped hundreds of organizations navigate those same waters.

Thanks ERE for a productive week!

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