
Career Insights: How to Work for a Box Office Hit Movie

Blockbuster_FilmsGone are the days where a team of 100 people could churn out a box office hit. Take Gone with the Wind for example. This 1939 box office hit was the #1 grossing movie of its time; which when adjusted for inflation, accounts to $3 Billion.. 

Today’s highest-grossing blockbusters come in close to Gone in the Wind; topping out at around $2 Billion. But, in comparison, these Blockbuster movies take 250-350 of the leading media and entertainment talent. Nearly 150+ individuals are involved in post-production activities alone; including editing, music, technology and visual arts. Then factor in actors, directors, producers, camera operators and film crew.

When envisioning yourself in the Media and Entertainment industry, think of it in terms of the number of people responsible for producing a box off hit. Jobs that last 30-40 years with modest career progression, stable pay, benefits and pension are, ‘all puns intended,’ Gone with the Wind! Today to succeed one must be nimble and logical in your career trajectory and goals – think of it as a Blockbuster Franchise. 2- 3 major hits that will compile a lifelong career. Keep in mind, this could also include nontraditional career choices such as project based contracting and/or consulting.

Let’s use 2014 most recent Blockbuster Divergent, the first of three in the series as a framework for a successful career Franchise in the 21st Century work place. The Five Factions related to a successful career are:

  • Erudite - Be smart and logical with your career choices by being aware of your personal brand and cognizant of your network. This doesn’t mean an actuary can’t become a world renown Photographer. But to do so means constantly allowing your curiosity to never quell and being astute in how you follow your passion.  
  • Amity – Be Kind – this doesn’t mean that you can’t be stern or decisive but remember that there are people impacted by your tone & decisions – no matter what side of the coin – job seeker/employer; manager/employee; customer/client. Folks remember this long after the transaction is done; I’ve seen many of folks not get a job, customer and/or promotion because they were not kind in their business dealings.
  • Candor – Honesty is always the best policy. Be honest with those around you and most importantly to yourself.
  • Dauntless – Fight fear by being prepared so that you have the ability to act when facing fears. You lose your job but you have savings and time to pursue a passion – turn it into a business. Go for the gold – ask for the promotion, ask for the job, ask for the business – feels better when you are prepared.
  • Abnegation – Remember to help others as someone helped you.

It takes many more folks to produce a blockbuster hit, so be open to all opportunities. Embodying the attitude of being ready, willing and more than able to do whatever it takes can be all the difference between a career flop or blockbuster move.

This blog was written by Jacquillia  Hooper. Jacquillia  has over 10 years assisting organizations find exceptional talent and is the Strategic Account Director for Yoh.  Jacquillia also dedicates her time to INROADS by serving on the Greater Philadelphia Executive Board. INROADS develops and places talented under served youth in Business & Industry and prepares them for corporate and community leadership.


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