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A higher standard…

On this Movieclips Monday, our clip is from the movie The Company Men, written and directed by John Wells.  This movie deals with a large corporation going through downsizing.  While the characters are discussing layoffs and ensuring they are covered from outside legal scrutiny, one of the characters begs the question of ethics - could they pass the ethical scrutiny test?  Which brought to mind – as Recruiters, are we holding ourselves to the higher standard?

Many times Recruiters, especially those that work for agencies or as headhunters, can be seen as “the bad guy” that tries to lure dedicated employees away from the company that has provided for them for the past- fill in the blank – number of years.



Many question, is the practice of contacting candidates that are currently employed by the competition entirely ethical?  Shouldn’t the Recruiters for those companies hold themselves to higher standard?

The better question should be – Where else are they going to find the best talent?

With the national unemployment rate at 7.5% for the month of April according to the National Bureau of Labor and Statistics, down from 8.1% a year ago; as well as many metropolitan areas seeing an average unemployment rate of between 6 and 7% - competition is tough and finding the right talent for the right position is becoming increasingly more difficult.

As Recruiters, we have to step out of our comfort zone of only searching candidates that have applied through our resident applicant tracking system. It’s time to be creative, innovative, and super resourceful!

So in a market such as this, how do we hold ourselves to the higher standard?  How do we ensure that we are Recruiters that are above reproach?

The hallmark of ethics is consistency!

  • Consistency with clear and concise job ads and descriptions – don’t over embellish.

  • Consistency with job requirements – ensuring the needs of the position are met.

  • Consistency with providing qualified candidates – candidates that match the requirements of the job description in experience, education, work history, and skills.

  • Consistency with communications to the candidate throughout the recruitment process – don’t promise something that can’t be delivered.

  • Consistency with offers of employment - ensuring the candidate has a complete understanding of all of the terms of the offer.

The time of intensified competition is now – be aggressive, be effective, but most importantly, be ethical!

This post was written by Jennie Vancel. Jennie is a Recruiter with Yoh RPO division and comes with a very diverse background including Human Resources, Sales, Training and ultimately Recruiting.  With over 15 years of experience across varying industries, she has been instrumental in piloting and implementing global strategies for process improvement, candidate experience, and retention.  Specialties include building customer relationships, strategic planning and superior service delivery.  Jennie currently resides in Louisiana and outside of work is an avid animal rescuer with four furry family members of her own.

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