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When Giving Gets Crazy; How to Stay Focused

If any of you saw the Ron Howard film, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”, you’d recall the scene where Cindy Lou Who questions the true meaning of Christmas and spends her time exploring with the act of giving vs. receiving.

I must say, after years of complaining and whining this time of year as the holiday frenzy is in full effect, I have made some good, necessary changes to allow the true holiday spirit to shine through.

  • I have eliminated mailing holiday cards. I have purchased them and will give as gifts but no more stamps and mailing cards.
  • I have instituted a 3 gift category for my children – Something they Want, Something they Need and Something to Read.
  • I have encouraged that my children must also Give something this year. My ten year old volunteered at an Animal Shelter and my three year-old parted with some toys and donated them to his pre-school (a bit unwillingly)
  • And finally I have eliminated some gift exchange that started years ago with my friend’s children and instead encouraged play dates or family get togethers.

I must say that the above feels really good. It’s helped me to stay focused and not let the craziness of the holidays take over.

It also allows me to stay focused professionally on ensuring that we haven’t forgotten the simple things that matter that tend to fall off the radar….

  • Have we forgotten to celebrate our wins and really highlight and acknowledge this within our teams?
  • Have we forgotten to develop our people and focus on bettering our team to go above where they are today?
  • Have we stopped sharing our stories and acting as our own internal PR department around successes?
  • Have we forgotten to step back and question if we have inefficiencies in our process that no longer work?
  • Have we stopped or forgotten the fundamental basics around follow ups, meeting deadlines, and building relationships?

This is a perfect time, as people take time off and business slows down a bit, to just take a few minutes and ask yourself if you have lost sight of meaningful actions and good grounded values.

With the hope you can focus on what matters,

Happy Holidays.

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