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Getting Creative to Find IT Talent

In today’s society there is nothing more valued than someone with IT skills. Considered to be one of the most growing sectors, there are a number of different companies around the world looking to recruit top talent for their organisations.

Whether it is fixing a bug in the system or running the intranet system at work for your start up business, IT is now a highly valued profession. In addition to this, companies face many minefields when it comes to picking the cream of the crop. But how do you actually go about hiring major IT talent to the workforce?

Word of Mouth

There is nothing more powerful than word of mouth. This will allow you the opportunity to find out who is not only employable but has the right skills for your corporation. On the other hand, you can find out before anyone else who is available even before CVs are sent off and have the chance to chat with them directly about a potential role. The best ways to find out this way is through, friends, family or other associates.

Social Media

One of the most popular ways to hire IT people at the moment is largely in part thanks to social media. Furthermore it is considered to be the quickest not to mention most accessible way of looking at potential talent. And, as these engines are instant you can straightaway arrange meetings or interviews, whilst others can send you direct links to their curriculum vitaes.


One of the more traditional ways of finding top IT talent is through a number of different online methods. By scouring the web you can find thousands of staffing related sites that you can partner with from accountancy recruitment agencies to corporate staffing and more. Meanwhile, by using a company of this nature, you will be able to select from a wide array of diverse IT performers with suitable degrees and qualifications.

Networking Events

Another unconventional way in which you can separate the wheat from the IT chaff for your business is through going to networking events. This is because you will have the ability to enjoy meeting like-minded professionals in an informal environment where many prospective IT employees could be attending.

Student Power

There is no better way of encouraging the best IT talent of the future than setting up an internship or graduation scheme. In this way, it means that by tapping into students, you will be investing in potential talent that will serve you well in the long term.

As is clearly evident, there are a host of ways finding the right IT talent for your business. By following just a few of these tips, it can ensure you will benefit from finding the leading candidates in this particular sector.

This blog was written by Samantha Merrylees. Samantha is a freelance writer for TalentPuzzle, a company in the UK that currently has a number of accountancy recruitment agencies that are supplying talent. They offer their services based on a success-only fee.



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