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2013 HRO Today Forum: RPO and more

The 2013 HRO Today Forum makes a stop this year in Philadelphia from April 30th to May 2nd. For those in recruiting and staffing, and specifically Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO), HRO Today is a great resource for buyers and providers and their Forum is always a great place to network and get caught up on what’s going on in the industry.

Yoh will be at this year’s event and our own Joel Capperella will be providing further insight into our annual workforce trends survey, released earlier this year. His session on Wednesday, May 1st is at 2:45 for those of you who are interested. The survey can be a real eye-opener and sheds some light on the struggles right now for companies trying to reform their recruiting strategies in the wake of the Great Recession.

I’m always excited about the discussions and panels and this year there will be a few in particular that should prove interesting:

    • Remaining Relevant and the Future of HR – Peter Cappelli, Director of the Center for Human Resources, The Wharton School moderates a discussion on whether the "Ulrich model" really exists and whether this model is the key to keeping HR relevant in the future or whether HR and HR career advancement are better served in other ways. We’ve had events with Mr. Cappelli and his insight on workforce trends and HR is always great.

    • Keynote Address: Leadership of the Next Generation – Dennis Finn, vice chairman, global human capital leader, PwC will discuss where leadership will come from in the future from his unique perspective and background in cultural change, people and leadership. He brings both a diversity of experience as well as global point-of-view and I hope he touches on where we are going to find these leaders.

    • Innovations in Multimedia and Mobile Recruitment to Reach New Talent Markets – Lisa Johnson, director of recruiting, North America, Gate Gourmet, will talk about how using mobile technologies and multimedia as part of the recruitment process, companies can utilize two of the fastest growing communication and collaboration mediums to gain a competitive advantage. Not a surprise that mobile is big, but I’m sure she’ll have some interesting insight into how to better leverage this trend.

    • Managing Contingent Suppliers – Is it Time to Change Our Thinking? This is a panel discussion about how managed services suppliers should be thought of as partners, not just a cost savings mechanism. Should be a lively discussion and I will be interested to see how RPO and MSP thinking is converging. We have many customers asking for both.

Of course, one of the other great things about these events is the opportunity to network with old friends and meet new people. I’m looking forward to doing that as I hear about some of the great things happening in the industry. Hope to see you there.

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